Crystalline Soul Healing

Empowered Being

Lyran Template Technology

Crystalline Soul Healing® is a profound energy healing modality developed by Jamye Price.

This multidimensional Template reprograms the instructions and interactions of your DNA through your Higher Self.

Crystalline Soul Healing® can heal destructive patterns, information, and trauma that inhibit your empowered being.

It frees you to create the life of your dreams, your divine birthright.

You were meant to thrive!

Crystalline Soul Healing refines your energy field into a stronger,
clearer flow of information—your diamond crystalline lightbody.

Crystalline Soul Healing can help to:
  • Release physical challenges and blocks
  • Balance mental and emotional flow
  • Shift negative behavioral patterns
  • Resolve trauma and emotional reactivity
  • Clear limiting beliefs and mental habits
  • Access latent gifts and talents
  • Improve pineal gland function
  • Enhance your intuitive senses
  • Support physical improvement and vitality
  • Expand spiritual awakening and awareness
  • Assimilate soul fragments
  • Reconcile ancestral challenges
  • Activate your ascended crystalline DNA
  • Initiate the inherent wisdom of the body
  • Transform your interaction with time
  • Unify the human and higher self into divine flow

Crystalline Soul Healing elevates the human experience into a
deeper connection with your divine creative capability.

Hello, I’m Jamye

Jamye Price Crystalline Soul Healing Teacher

Your Crystalline Potential

Humanity’s Ascension is merely a natural evolution into conscious connection with your subtle nature.

Crystalline Soul Healing helps to release many layers of beliefs at once, clear ancestral trauma, and even off-world challenges connected through your Akashic Records.

This creates a crystalline energetic field that communicates with Life through your empowerment, not distorted or subconscious fears.

Crystalline Soul Healing Assists Your Empowered Evolution

geometric design
Find a Practitioner

Crystalline Soul Healing can help you release inhibiting patterns and enhance your creativity. It works just as well via distance as in-person.   

Become a Practitioner

Learning Crystalline Soul Healing is transformative as you integrate a powerful new-paradigm modality to support healing yourself and others.

Learn More About Healing